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146 najčešće korišćenih mrežnih skraćenica – akronima

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Skraćenica: Opis:
1 AAA authentication, authorization, and accounting.
2 ACE Access Control Entry.
3 ACK acknowledgement notification.
4 ACL access control list.
5 AH Authentication Header.
6 ARP Address Resolution Protocol—A low-level TCP/IP protocol that maps a node’s hardware address (called a „MAC“ address) to its IP address. Defined in RFC 826. An example hardware address is 00:00:a6:00:01:ba. (The first three groups specify the manufacturer, the rest identify the host’s motherboard.)
7 ASA Adaptive Security Algorithm.
8 ASBR Autonomous System Boundary Router.
9 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
10 BER bit error rate.
11 BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain.
12 BGP Border Gateway Protocol—While the Firewall Services Module (FWSM) does not support use of this protocol, you can set the routers on either side of the FWSM to use RIP between them and then run BGP on the rest of the network before the routers.
13 BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol—Lets diskless workstations boot over the network and is described in RFC 951 and RFC 1542.
14 BPDU bridge protocol data unit.
15 BSD Berkeley Standard Distribution.
16 CA certification authority.
17 CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol.
18 CGI Common Gateway Interface.
19 chargen Character Generation—Via TCP, a service that sends a continual stream of characters until stopped by the client. Via UDP, the server sends a random number of characters each time the client sends a datagram. Defined in RFC 864.
20 CLI command-line interface.
21 conn Connection slot in the FWSM—Refer to the xlate command page in the Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and Cisco 7600 Series Router Firewall Services Module Command Reference for more information.
22 CoS Class of Service.
23 CPU Central Processing Unit.
24 CR carriage return.
25 CTIQBE Computer Telephony Interface Quick Buffer Encoding.
26 DES Data Encryption Standard.
27 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
28 DMZ demilitarized zone—A separate network behind the firewall that allows limited access to outside users.
29 DNAT Dynamic Network Address Translation.
30 DNS Domain Name System—Operates over UDP unless zone file access over TCP is required.
31 DNS Domain Name System (or Service).
32 DoS Denial of service.
33 EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol—While the FWSM does not support use of this protocol, you can set the routers on either side of the FWSM to use RIP between them and then run EIGRP on the rest of the network before the routers.
34 EOBC Ethernet Out-of-Band Channel.
35 ESP Encapsulating Security Payload. Refer to RFC 1827 for more information.
36 EXEC privileged command mode, which displays the „#“ prompt.
37 Firewall MC Firewall Management Center.
38 FTP File Transfer Protocol.
39 FWSM Firewall Services Module.
40 Gbps Gigabit bytes per second.
41 GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation—A tunneling protocol that does not use encryption.
42 H.323 A collection of protocols that allow the transmission of voice data over TCP/IP networks.
43 HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol—The service that handles access to the World Wide Web.
45 IANA Internet Assigned Number Authority—Assigns all port and protocol numbers for use on the Internet. You can view port numbers at the following site:
47 https://iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
49 You can view protocol numbers at the following site:
51 https://iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers
52 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol—This protocol is commonly used with the ping command. You can view ICMP traces through the FWSM with the debug trace on command. Refer to RFC 792 for more information.
53 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force.
54 IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol.
55 IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
56 IKE Internet Key Exchange.
57 ILS Internet Locator Service.
58 IOS Internetwork Operating System.
59 IP Internet Protocol.
60 IPinIP IP-in-IP encapsulation protocol.
61 IPSec IP Security Protocol efforts in the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
62 IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange.
63 IRC Internet Relay Chat protocol—The protocol that lets users access chat rooms.
64 ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol.
65 ISC IP Solution Center.
66 ISN Initial Sequence Number.
67 ISP Internet service provider.
68 ITU International Telecommunication Union.
69 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
70 LF linefeed.
71 LSA link-state advertisement.
72 MAC Media Access Control.
73 MD5 Message Digest 5—An encryption standard for encrypting VPN packets. This same encryption is used with theaaa authentication console command to encrypt Telnet sessions to the console.
74 MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol.
75 MIB Management Information Base—Used with SNMP.
76 MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching.
77 Mpps Million packets per second.
78 MSFC Multilayer Switch Feature Card.
79 MTU maximum transmission unit—The maximum number of bytes in a packet that can flow efficiently across the network with best response time. For Ethernet, the default MTU is 1500 bytes, but each network can have different values, with serial connections having the smallest values. The MTU is described in RFC 1191.
80 NAT Network Address Translation.
81 NetBIOS Network Basic Input Output System—An application programming interface (API) that provides special functions for PCs in local-area networks (LANs).
82 NFS Network File System.
83 NIC Network Information Center.
84 NIS Network Information Service.
85 NMS network management station.
86 NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol—News reader service.
87 NOS Network Operating System.
88 NP Network Processor—as in IBM NP or Intel NP.
89 NSSA not so stubby area.
90 NTP Network Time Protocol—Set system clocks via the network.
91 OSPF Open Shortest Path First.
92 PAT Port Address Translation.
93 PBX private branch exchange.
94 PDM PDM for FWSM.
95 PDU protocol data unit.
96 PIM Protocol Independent Multicast.
97 PIX Private Internet Exchange.
98 POP Post Office Protocol.
99 PPP Point-to-Point Protocol. Provides FWSM-to-router and host-to-network connections over synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
100 PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.
101 PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. RFC 2637 describes the PPTP protocol.
102 RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service—User authentication server specified with the aaa-server command.
103 RAS The registration, admission, and status protocol. Provided with H.323 support.
104 RDT Real Data Transport
105 RFC Request For Comment—RFCs are the defacto standards of networking protocols.
106 RIP Routing Information Protocol.
107 RPC Remote Procedure Call.
108 RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman. RSA is the trade name for RSA Data Security, Inc.
109 RSH Remote Shell—as in Remote Shell protocol.
110 RTCP RTP Control Protocol.
111 RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol.
112 RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol.
113 SA security association.
114 SCCP Simple (Skinny) Client Control Protocol.
115 SCCP Skinny (or Simple) Client Control Protocol is a simplified protocol used in VoIP networks.
116 SDP Session Description Protocol.
117 SIP Session Initiation Protocol.
118 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol—Mail service. The fixup protocol smtp command enables the Mail Guard feature. The Mail Guard feature is compliant with both the RFC 1651 EHLO and RFC 821 section 4.5.1 commands.
119 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol—Set attributes with the snmp-server command.
120 SPC Shared Profile Component.
121 SPF shortest path first.
122 SPI Security Parameter Index—A number which, together with a destination IP address and security protocol, uniquely identifies a particular security association.
123 SQL*Net SQL*Net is a protocol Oracle uses to communicate between client and server processes. (SQL stands for Structured Query Language.)
124 SSH Secure Shell.
125 SSH Secure Shell.
126 STDERR standard error file descriptor.
127 SVI switched virtual interface.
128 SYN Synchronize sequence numbers flag in the TCP header.
129 SYN TCP synchronization, used as part of three-way handshake to establish a TCP session.
130 TACACS+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus.
131 TCP Transmission Control Protocol. Refer to RFC 793 for more information.
132 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
133 TNSFrame Transparent Network Substrate Frame.?
134 TPKT Transport Packet.
135 Triple DES Triple Data Encryption Standard. Also known as 3DES.
136 uauth User authentication.
137 UDP User Datagram Protocol.
138 URL Universal Resource Locator.
139 UUIE user-user information element.
140 VLAN virtual LAN.
141 VoIP Voice over IP.
142 VPN Virtual Private Network.
143 WAN wide-area network.
144 WINS Windows Internet Naming Service.
145 WWW World Wide Web.
146 XDMCP X Display Manager Control Protocol.

About Miloš

Ljubitelj računarskih mreža i interneta. Voljan da pomogne drugima :) Zaljubljenik u sve što ima veze sa mrežama, komunikacijama i bezbednošću na mreži. Cisco i MikroTik sertifikovani inženjer. Obožava digitalnu fotografiju.


  1. 83 NIC Network Information Center.

    Ovo je obicno skracenica za Network Interface Card al ajd :).

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